I create a web twin for brands.
About me
My name is Mohamed Hamdi. But everyone calls me Libanna. Libanna is a multi-cultural mind with a plan for every scenario, and a thirst for knowledge. whose areas wizardry range from UI/UX, web development and web automation. With a great ability to adapt and learn, I accept any challenge. I was born in Sudan in 2003 and spent my childhood and early adulthood there. The challenges of living in Sudan made me sharp-sighted and matured my mind early. I have a great sense of responsibility. I work as a front-end developer at smartCare, a company specializing in finding solutions for the health sector.CV (267KB)
“These techniques are just tools to reduce solution steps.”
“Simplicity is king.”
“The quality of infrastructure is one of the most important factors for the success or failure of a project.”
UI/UX desgin
Design system
React & Next.Js
System Design
Node Js
MongoDB & qraphql
Prompting engineerin
API security
& More :)
What does Libanna mean?
Libanna: Gum
Libanna is the nickname that my friends call me, and it is a nickname acquired from football when I was dictating the defense box and I was sticking to the opponent and preventing him from moving freely, and this is the reason for the name. Fun fact to share with you ^_~
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